File Descriptor Layer


Everything is a file

A cool aspect of the Unix interface is that most resources in Unix are represented as files, including devices such as the console, pipes, and of course, real files,

Each process tracks its open file

Xv6 gives each process its own table of open files, or file descriptors.

Global table

All the open files in the system are kept in a global file table. The file table can allocate new file, create a duplicate reference, release a reference, and read and write data.

Concurrent Access

If multiple processes open the same file independently, the different instances will have different I/O offsets (Use dup)

File Data Structure

struct file {
  int ref; // reference count
  char readable;
  char writable;
  struct net *net;   // FD_NET
  struct pipe *pipe; // FD_PIPE
  struct inode *ip;  // FD_INODE and FD_DEVICE
  struct sock *sock; // FD_SOCK
  uint off;          // FD_INODE and FD_DEVICE
  short major;       // FD_DEVICE
  short minor;       // FD_DEVICE

Read and Write

Reading a file begins with checking permission. Ex: pipe has 2 files, one for read, one for write. Based on the file type, it reads differently.

// Read from file f.
// addr is a user virtual address.
fileread(struct file *f, uint64 addr, int n)
  int r = 0;

  if(f->readable == 0)
    return -1;

  if(f->type == FD_PIPE){
    r = piperead(f->pipe, addr, n);
  } else if(f->type == FD_DEVICE){
    if(f->major < 0 || f->major >= NDEV || !devsw[f->major].read)
      return -1;
    r = devsw[f->major].read(f, 1, addr, n);
  } else if(f->type == FD_INODE){
    if((r = readi(f->ip, 1, addr, f->off, n)) > 0)
      f->off += r;
  } else if (f->type == FD_SOCK) {
    r = sockread(f, addr, n);
  } else {

  return r;
// Write to file f.
// addr is a user virtual address.
filewrite(struct file *f, uint64 addr, int n)
  int r, ret = 0;

  if(f->writable == 0)
    return -1;

  if(f->type == FD_PIPE){
    ret = pipewrite(f->pipe, addr, n);
  } else if(f->type == FD_DEVICE){
    if(f->major < 0 || f->major >= NDEV || !devsw[f->major].write)
      return -1;
    ret = devsw[f->major].write(f, 1, addr, n);
  } else if(f->type == FD_INODE){
    // write a few blocks at a time to avoid exceeding
    // the maximum log transaction size, including
    // i-node, indirect block, allocation blocks,
    // and 2 blocks of slop for non-aligned writes.
    // this really belongs lower down, since writei()
    // might be writing a device like the console.
    int max = ((MAXOPBLOCKS-1-1-2) / 2) * BSIZE;
    int I = 0;
    while(I < n){
      int n1 = n - I;
      if(n1 > max)
        n1 = max;

      if ((r = writei(f->ip, 1, addr + I, f->off, n1)) > 0)
        f->off += r;

      if(r < 0)
      if(r != n1)
        panic(“short filewrite”);
      I += r;
    ret = (I == n ? n : -1);
  } else if (f->type == FD_SOCK) {
    ret = sockwrite(f, addr, n);
  } else {

  return ret;

Last updated

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